Top 15 Folic Acid Foods: Boost Your Health with Foods Rich in Folate

Top 15 Folic Acid Foods: Boost Your Health with Foods Rich in Folate

Welcome to your guide on folic acid foods and foods rich in folate in Malaysia! Whether you're expecting a baby, looking after your heart, or just aiming for a balanced diet, understanding which foods are high in folate can make a big difference to your health.

In this article, we'll explore the top folic acid foods available in Malaysia, helping you make smart choices to boost your intake of this important vitamin. From leafy greens like kangkung to tropical fruits like mangoes, our diverse Malaysian cuisine offers plenty of delicious options to keep you healthy.


What Are Folic Acid and Folate?

Before we dive into the list of folic acid foods, let's clear up what these terms mean:


This is the natural form of vitamin B9 found in food. You'll find it in many Malaysian fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Folic acid

This is the man-made form used in supplements and added to some foods. It's more stable and often easier for our bodies to use than natural folate.

Both forms are important for our health, but for simplicity, we'll use "folate" to refer to both throughout this article.

for more read: Folate vs Folic Acid: Understanding Vitamin B9 and Its Importance


Why Do We Need Folate?

Folate plays a crucial role in our bodies:

  1. Pregnancy: It's vital for preventing birth defects, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.
  2. Heart health: Folate may help lower the risk of heart disease.
  3. Brain function: It might help keep our brains healthy as we age.
  4. Blood formation: Folate helps our bodies make red blood cells.
  5. Cell growth: It supports the rapid growth and division of cells.

for more read: Folic Acid 101: Functions, Benefits, Side Effects, and Dietary Dos and Don'ts


How Much Folate Do We Need?

The Malaysian Recommended Nutrient Intakes (RNI) suggests:

  • Adults: 400 mcg per day
  • Pregnant women: 600 mcg per day
  • Breastfeeding mothers: 500 mcg per day
  • Children and teenagers: 150-400 mcg per day, depending on age


Top 15 Foods Rich in Folate in Malaysia

Now, let's explore some delicious Malaysian foods that are rich in folate:

1. Kangkung (Water Spinach)

  • Folate content: About 57 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Try it in 'kangkung belacan' for a tasty folate boost

2. Sayur Manis (Sweet Leaf)

  • Folate content: Around 90 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Simply stir-fry with garlic for a delicious side dish

3. Bayam (Spinach)

  • Folate content: Approximately 194 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Great in soups or sautéed as a side dish

4. Ulam Raja (King's Salad)

  • Folate content: About 160 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Eat raw as part of a fresh ulam platter

5. Kacang Panjang (Long Beans)

  • Folate content: Around 58 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Delicious when sautéed with sambal and dried shrimp

6. Kacang Hijau (Mung Beans)

  • Folate content: About 159 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Try it in 'bubur kacang hijau' for a nutritious dessert

7. Tempeh

  • Folate content: Approximately 24 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Tasty when deep-fried or added to stir-fries

8. Dhal (Lentils)

  • Folate content: Around 479 mcg per 100g (cooked)
  • How to enjoy: Enjoy as a nutritious side dish with roti canai

9. Jambu Batu (Guava)

  • Folate content: About 49 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Eat fresh or drink as 'jambu juice' for a refreshing boost

10. Mangga (Mango)

  • Folate content: Approximately 43 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Delicious on its own or in desserts like 'mangga cendol'

11. Pisang (Banana)

  • Folate content: Around 20 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Great as a quick snack or in 'pisang goreng'

12. Okra (Ladies' Fingers)

  • Folate content: About 60 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Try it in 'masak lemak' for a creamy, folate-rich dish

13. Brokoli (Broccoli)

  • Folate content: Approximately 63 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Delicious when stir-fried with oyster sauce

14. Sawi (Mustard Greens)

  • Folate content: Around 97 mcg per 100g
  • How to enjoy: Enjoy it in soups or stir-fried with garlic

15. Telur Ayam (Chicken Eggs)

  • Folate content: About 44 mcg per large egg
  • How to enjoy: Try them in 'telur dadar' (omelette) or 'nasi lemak'


Fortified Foods: Another Source of Folic Acid

In addition to natural sources, some foods in Malaysia are fortified with folic acid. These include:

  • Wheat flour and wheat flour products (like some breads and noodles)
  • Some brands of rice
  • Many breakfast cereals
  • Some milk and dairy products
  • Certain fruit juices and malted drinks

When buying these products, look for labels that say "fortified with folic acid" to boost your intake.


Maximizing Folate Absorption

To get the most folate from your food:

  1. Cook smart: Steam or stir-fry vegetables instead of boiling them to preserve folate content.
  2. Eat fresh: Folate levels decrease in stored foods, so eat fresh produce when possible.
  3. Pair with vitamin C: Eating folate-rich foods with vitamin C sources can help absorption. Try adding calamansi lime to your ulam raja salad!
  4. Include healthy fats: Some folate is fat-soluble, so including moderate amounts of healthy fats like avocado or olive oil in your meals can help.


Meal Planning for Optimal Folate Intake

Here are some ideas to help you include more folic acid foods and foods rich in folate in your daily meals:


  • Roti canai made with fortified flour, served with dhal
  • Whole grain cereal with fortified milk and sliced banana
  • Nasi lemak with boiled egg and stir-fried kangkung


  • Vegetarian curry with tempeh and mixed vegetables
  • Grilled fish with steamed broccoli and fortified rice
  • Stir-fried tofu with sayur manis and brown rice


  • Gado-gado with tempeh and mixed vegetables
  • Sayur manis and egg stir-fry with brown rice
  • Palak paneer (spinach and cheese curry) with chapati


  • Fresh fruit salad with guava, mango, and banana
  • Boiled edamame or kacang panjang with a yogurt dip
  • Kacang pool (fava bean dip) with vegetable sticks


Folate for Pregnancy

If you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant, getting enough folate is especially important. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Recommended intake: 600 mcg of folate daily during pregnancy
  2. Start early: If possible, start taking folic acid at least one month before getting pregnant
  3. Continue throughout: Keep up your folate intake throughout pregnancy and while breastfeeding
  4. Talk to your doctor: Some women may need higher doses, so always consult your healthcare provider

for more read: 3 Crucial Benefits of Folic Acid for Pregnancy You Can't Ignore


Risks of Folate Deficiency

Not getting enough folate can lead to health problems:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Irritability and mood changes
  • Tongue inflammation
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Anemia
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Higher risk of birth defects in pregnant women

Groups at higher risk of folate deficiency in Malaysia include:

  • Pregnant women
  • Women of childbearing age
  • People with certain digestive conditions
  • Heavy alcohol drinkers
  • People on certain medications

If you're concerned about your folate levels, talk to your doctor. They can check your levels and advise if you need to increase your intake of folic acid foods or take supplements.

for more read: Top Warning Signs of Folate Deficiency Every Malaysian Should Know


Folic Acid Supplements

While it's best to get folate from food, some people may need supplements. Folic acid supplements are available over-the-counter in Malaysia pharmacies. Common types include:

  • Folic acid tablets
  • Multivitamins with folic acid
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Liquid folic acid

Always talk to your doctor before starting any supplement, as they can advise on the right dose for you.

for more read: The Power of Methyl Folate: Unlocking the Benefits of Active Folate



Incorporating folic acid foods and foods rich in folate into your diet is a simple yet powerful way to support your health. Malaysia's diverse cuisine offers plenty of delicious options to meet your folate needs naturally.

Remember these key points:

  1. Aim for a variety of folate-rich foods in your diet
  2. Cook foods gently to preserve folate content
  3. Consider fortified foods as an additional source
  4. If you're pregnant or planning to be, pay extra attention to your folate intake
  5. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about your folate levels

Start today by adding more folate-rich foods to your meals. Whether you're enjoying a plate of stir-fried kangkung, savoring a bowl of dhal, or snacking on fresh guava, you're not just treating your taste buds – you're nourishing your body with essential nutrients.

Here's to your health and the vibrant flavors of Malaysia!



1. María de Lourdes Samaniego-Vaesken, Elena Alonso-Aperte, and Gregorio Varela-Moreiras .(2015). Contribution of folic acid-fortified foods to fertile women’s folate Recommended Nutrient Intake through breakfast simulation models

2. Folate | National Institues of Health