3 Crucial Benefits of Folic Acid for Pregnancy You Can't Ignore

3 Crucial Benefits of Folic Acid for Pregnancy You Can't Ignore

Are you expecting or planning to have a baby? If so, understanding the importance of folic acid for pregnancy is crucial. This vital nutrient plays a key role in your baby's development, especially in the early stages. Let's explore why folic acid for pregnancy is so important and how you can ensure you're getting enough.


What is Folic Acid for Pregnancy?

Folic acid refers to a B vitamin that's crucial for expectant mothers. It helps your body create new cells and is especially important during pregnancy when your body is growing rapidly. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, which occurs naturally in some foods.


Why is Folic Acid for Pregnancy So Important?

1. Prevents Birth Defects

The primary reason folic acid for pregnancy is essential is its role in preventing serious birth defects called neural tube defects. These affect a baby's brain and spine. Taking folic acid can reduce the risk of these defects by up to 70%.

2. Supports Baby's Growth

Folic acid also aids in your baby's overall development. It helps form the heart and may reduce the risk of other birth defects.

3. Benefits Maternal Health

Folic acid isn't just good for your baby - it's beneficial for you too. It helps your body produce red blood cells, which are crucial during pregnancy.

for more read: Folic Acid 101: Functions, Benefits, Side Effects, and Dietary Dos and Don'ts


How Much Folic Acid Do You Need?

If you're planning to conceive or in your first trimester, you need 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid for pregnancy daily. This increases to 600 mcg daily during the second and third trimesters. Some women might need more folic acid - always consult your doctor for personalized advice.


When Should You Start Taking Folic Acid for Pregnancy?

Ideally, start taking folic acid at least one month before trying to conceive. If you're already pregnant, begin taking folic acid as soon as you find out. Continue throughout your pregnancy.


How Can You Get Enough Folic Acid for Pregnancy?

1. Supplements

Folic acid supplements are readily available in Malaysian pharmacies. You can find them as tablets, capsules, or in prenatal vitamins.

2. Folate-Rich Foods

While supplements are crucial, eating folate-rich foods can complement your folic acid intake. Malaysian cuisine offers many options:

  • Sayur bayam (spinach)
  • Kacang panjang (long beans)
  • Kacang hijau (mung beans)
  • Tauhu (tofu)
  • Tempe
  • Ulam raja (cosmos leaves)

3. Fortified Foods

Some foods are fortified with folic acid. Check labels for breakfast cereals, bread, and other grain products that may contain added folic acid .


Special Considerations for Folic Acid for Pregnancy in Malaysia

Some Malaysian women might need special attention regarding folic acid:

  • If you've had a previous pregnancy affected by neural tube defects, you might need a higher dose of folic acid for pregnancy.
  • Women with diabetes or those taking certain medications should discuss their folic acid needs with their doctor.
  • If you follow a vegetarian diet or fast during Ramadan, consult your doctor about maintaining adequate folic acid intake.


Folic Acid for Pregnancy: Beyond Conception

While folic acid is crucial during gestation, its benefits extend to all women of childbearing age:

  • It supports heart health
  • It may help prevent certain types of cancer
  • It promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails


Common Myths About Folic Acid for Pregnancy

Let's address some misconceptions:

  1. "I can't get enough folic acid from food alone." While eating folate-rich foods is beneficial, it's challenging to get enough solely from diet. That's why folic acid supplements are recommended.
  2. "Folic acid is only important in early pregnancy." While it's critical in the early stages, folic acid remains important throughout gestation.
  3. "More folic acid means a healthier baby." Stick to the recommended amount of folic acid unless your doctor advises otherwise. Excessive intake isn't necessarily better.



Folic acid for pregnancy is a simple yet powerful way to protect your baby's health. Start taking folic acid before conception if possible, and continue throughout your pregnancy. Combine supplements with folate-rich foods and consult your doctor about your individual folic acid needs.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique. Always seek professional medical advice for personalized guidance on folic acid for pregnancy. By prioritizing your folic acid intake, you're taking a significant step towards ensuring a healthy pregnancy and giving your baby the best possible start in life.


For More Read:

1. Top Warning Signs of Folate Deficiency Every Malaysian Should Know

2. The Power of Methyl Folate: Unlocking the Benefits of Active Folate



1. James A Greenberg, MD, Stacey J Bell, DSc, RD, Yong Guan, MD, and Yan-hong Yu, MD, PhD .(2011). Folic Acid Supplementation and Pregnancy: More Than Just Neural Tube Defect Prevention

2. Theresa O Scholl, William G Johnson .(2000). Folic acid: influence on the outcome of pregnancy

3. Catrina L. McStay, Susan L. Prescott, Carol Bower, Debra J. Palmer .(2017). Maternal Folic Acid Supplementation during Pregnancy and Childhood Allergic Disease Outcomes: A Question of Timing?